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Main Ingredients:
MACA, Peru gingko, African Pading leaf, cynomorium songaricum, Chinese caterpillar fungus, ginseng, sealwort, morinda officinalis,qiyang grass, medlar, cartialgenous, deer penis

Applicable Group
male sex utensil develop bad ,impotence, premature ejaculation, sexual desire slows down, yin deficiency of liver and kidney, waist sour leg soft sexual dysfunction person, frequency of urination,urgent urination,people often feel dizzy and with ochriasis ,soft penis erection

Xiang Ying  maca pills Usage and dosage:
take 1 pill 30 minutes before sexual intercourse(can last for 4-5 days)

Kindly direction:
1.there must be female sexual companion when use sexual companion must be willing to suffer the torment of many times orgasms.
3.please do not use before sleep if you want to keep your sleep habit

Xiang Ying maca, 1 pill 30 minutes before sexual intercourse(can last

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